Podman vs. Docker

November 12, 2021


Containerization has become an essential part of modern software development, and Docker has been the go-to tool for many developers to manage their containers. But now, there's a new kid in town, Podman. In this post, we will compare Podman vs. Docker, looking at the features and performance of each tool, to help you decide which one to choose based on your needs.

Podman vs. Docker: Features

Both Podman and Docker have similar features, such as the ability to build, run and manage containers. However, there are a few differences worth noting.


Docker runs as a daemon that manages all containers, images, and networks. It requires root-level permission to perform the tasks. Podman, on the other hand, has a simple client-server architecture, which means that it can run in user space without requiring root-level permission.

Image Management

Docker provides a centralized registry called Docker Hub, where you can store, share, and manage your container images. Podman, by contrast, does not have a centralized registry. Still, it supports various container registries like Quay.io, AWS ECR, and Google Container Registry.


Security is a top priority when it comes to containerization. Both Podman and Docker offer robust security features. Docker uses a set of security tools, including AppArmor, Seccomp, and SELinux, to provide enhanced container security. Meanwhile, Podman uses user namespaces and cgroups to isolate and secure containers.

Podman vs. Docker: Performance

Performance is another critical factor when selecting a containerization tool. Let's look at how Podman and Docker perform concerning container startup time, memory usage, and image size.

Container Startup Time

Podman's startup time is slightly faster than Docker's. In a benchmark test, Podman spun up a container in 11ms, while Docker took 20ms. That's a minor difference, but it can add up when you're scaling up your containers.

Memory Usage

Podman consumes less memory than Docker. A benchmark test showed that Podman used 20 percent less memory than Docker when running the same workload.

Image Size

Podman's images tend to be smaller than Docker's. That's because it uses a container tool called Buildah, which builds containers without requiring a daemon. This feature makes Podman ideal for building and managing microservices.


Both Podman and Docker are excellent containerization tools. The choice you make depends on your needs. If you're looking for a tool that offers more security features and consumes less memory, Podman is the way to go. Docker, on the other hand, is ideal for teams that require a centralized registry and want to leverage Docker Hub.

We hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision. If you have any other questions regarding Podman vs. Docker, feel free to reach out to us.


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